Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Since we can't talk...

I am not much of a writer.  When I have thoughts to share, I like to talk.  I am a verbal communicator.  I cherish long hours of good conversation with friends.  Lengthy phone calls, late-night book clubs, and impromptu visits are some of my favorite things.  Even my profession of choice, teaching, is dependent on my capability as a verbal communicator.  When I have something I want to share with the world, I daydream about a classroom setting where I can connect and communicate with people.

I am a reader.  I cherish the well-crafted words of others.  As my circle of friends has widened geographically, I have taken to reading my friends blogs for a chance to share in their thoughts and ideas.  (Although, I would much rather have the time and opportunity to sit in their kitchen and talk.)  It is in reciprocation to their efforts that I have committed to blog for one year.  It isn’t a classroom and I am most assuredly not in my element, but this year I will try to share my thoughts and ideas on this blog.

To glean is to learn, discover, or find out--usually little by little or slowly.  Joy is my purpose in living.  Not happiness, but deep, abiding joy.  My journey through life has been discovering that true joy little by little.  The joy I believe my Heavenly Father intends me to have.  Perhaps you may glean some here as well.  Happy New Year!


  1. Yay! And for the record- I would swap comfort zones with you any day...esp. in our teaching-centric church- it would erase a huge amount of anxiety from my life. Also- love your use of the word "dynamic" to describe your kids...Eleanor falls into that category too:).

  2. I'm totally excited to know more about your life. I miss you dearly. Once-a-year Christmas cards just aren't enough! See (read) you soon!

  3. Yay! Love this new years resolution. :)

  4. I'm a fan of this resolution as well. I agree with you--talking is my preferred medium, but blogging is so much better than nothing!

  5. Yay! Though I do hope we find lots of time for talking this year.

  6. I'm excited to read your thoughts! For me writing is the best way to get my thoughts out—when I talk everything comes out garbled. :) That's not to say my writing isn't garbled either but it's certainly a more comfortable medium for me.

  7. I enjoy talking more too, but since we have the technology, we just as well use it right? Can't wait to hear from you...

  8. Welcome to blogging! I've loved your posts so far and can't wait to read more. :-)

    ~ Maya
